EXPERIENCE International adopts a modular approach in which moments of interaction alternate with moments of our observation in the field.

The goal is to verify whether a formal clearness of the roles exists, whether gaps, overlapping and misunderstandings that don’t make the work process of the existing strengths streamlined emerge, whether it is therefore necessary to work on the clearness of the directives and on the transfer of information system.

A screening of the resources present in different company areas is performed in order to get a precise idea of the existing strengths in terms of skills, knowledge, adaptability to the role and growth potential prior to hypothetical redefinitions of the roles and duties.

It will be our job to intervene on a model that contemplates structure, roles and people.

For the structure, we will assess the overall design of the division of responsibilities within the system, which we will analyse, and we will define the areas of action between the various entities forming the system.

For the roles, we will analyse the set of rules and characteristics that pertain to the single positions in order to define and pinpoint the actual roles compared to the declared roles.

For the people, we will make an analysis on who is present in the company area in order to learn about their behaviour, values and company integration.

  • analyse tasks and responsibilities of the positions held;
  • identify the areas of satisfaction of the individual operators and their degree of motivation;
  • define the level of “executive security” in the role;
  • assess the perceived workloads;
  • intercept potential logics of environmental conflict and relationship dynamics.

Days of observation and partnering the operators during their work activity will be carried out. Starting from the real observation, the activities performed in day to day operations are defined in an overview

During this stage, the consultant in charge of the project will go to your offices with the goal of partnering and analysing the individual operator during the work day, and will try to generate a comparison using Gap Analysis.

Following the Gap Analysis, we will have the elements necessary so that we can propose to you some guidelines for change for the resources employed as far as the following aspects are concerned:

  • The key skills of each operator
  • The analysis of the activities of the individual operators
  • The work loads
  • The relationship dynamics
  • The flows of information
  • Routine and extraordinary operations;
  • Analysis of the operating time;
  • Executive frequencies
  • Company relationships and interdependences


  • When corporate integrations are in progress
  • When you want to analyse the needs of your collaborators
  • When you want to plan a targeting training intervention customised based on the performance gaps
  • When you want to assess the building of an organisational model different from the one adopted
  • When you want to learn the state of health of your company
  • When you want to redefine roles and duties