Job Offers

Job Offers

Recruiting | International job opportunities

With the support of its international network, EXPERIENCE International is able to direct each candidate toward the most logical professional opportunities in terms of background and skills.

Amongst our publications you will find offers coming from the most important multinational companies of the following sectors: Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Lifesciences and Medical Devices.

This vast spectrum of international opportunities is the result of network building that has led EXPERIENCE International to form solid bonds with different companies, including those within the Fortune Global 500.

A new job for a life change: “We believe in change”

Change is an important challenge with oneself, with one’s past and the unpredictability of the future. This is why it has to be broached with the right means, in order to reveal itself as being an opportunity for personal growth.

EXPERIENCE International undertakes to be more than a simple Head Hunting company.

Our mission is to provide candidates with the support necessary to turn a professional change into a path to improve their conditions and their own person.

We look at the Recruiting processes with an eye on the future.

With its in-depth knowledge of each candidate and of their skills, EXPERIENCE International is able to identify the best professional opportunities in terms of growth and career development.

Find your new experience job

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To quickly run a search now enter the criteria below and click the Search button at the bottom of the form.
We are showing you only our hot topic vacancies, so feel free to send us your CV for a general application.

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