Company CHECK UP on resources and climate analysis

Company CHECK UP on resources and climate analysis

Our intervention will be aimed at analysing people, processes, methods and tools.

The company check-up consists of an overall diagnosis of a company’s state of health in order to determine its solidity and threat indexes aimed at singling out the strengths and weaknesses of the business model.

Company check-up GOALS

Define a structured medium- to long-term intervention plan for specific or cross-cutting functional areas.


Assess the overall state of health of the company or of some of its departments and acquire knowledge on its GAP areas
Highlight the strengths and weakness, market threats and opportunities, and identify the relevant areas for intervention;
Define a structured medium- to long-term intervention plan spanning the functions or aimed at optimising specific functional areas.


There are three intervention STAGES and they concern:

  • Analysis of the processes and methods
  • Organised structure
  • Customers and market
  • Interfunctional relationships and across the board assessments
  • Decision-making processes and methods
  • Communications between sectors
  • Tools and methods for reaching targets
  • Remuneration satisfaction surveys

During this stage, we will draw up different reports, both numerical and descriptive, that provide a consulting plan with relevant explanation of the type of intervention, method and timing


  • When there is unrest in the company
  • When you want to analyse the needs of your collaborators
  • When you want to plan a targeting training intervention customised based on the performance gaps
  • When you want to assess the building of an organisational model different from the current one
  • When you want to learn the state of health of your company